Modeled after the classic instruments of the 1920's the Eastman MD-515 classic finish is a fully hand-carved solid mandolin crafted with an aged brown solid ispruce top and solid flamed maple back and sides. The maple neck is finished with a solid ebony fingerboard and an ebony fronted headstock. Fittings are nickel plated and the fret board features dot inlays. An adjustable bridge insures perfect action. These lovely mandolins come fully set-up and come with a hard shaped Eastman hard case.
Body Dimensions: 27" x 10" x 1 23/32"
Top Wood: Carved Solid Spruce
Back/Sides Wood: Carved Solid Maple
Body Binding: Ivoroid (body ; fingerboard)
Neck Woods: Maple
Neck Length: 6 15/16"
Nut Width/Material: 1 3/32", bone
Scale Length: 13 7/8"
Fingerboard: 12" radiused ebony
Frets: Dunlop #6310
Inlays: White mother-of-pearl
Bridge: Fitted adjustable ebony
Tailpiece: Nickel cast
Tuners: Nickel Schaller
Strings: D'Addario J74 strings
Case: Hard Shaped case included
We're not just retailers, we're musicians, and we know what musicians appreciate. So unlike many other internet sellers who just forward a pre-boxed instrument from the factory, we personally inspect, and if needed set-up the instrument prior to shipping so it's ready to play from the moment you unpack it. If the instrument in not right for any reason, it goes back to the manufacturer and not to you; so when you purchase from Main Street Music, you know you are getting a great instrument every time. Together with our already low prices, this makes us the best value on the net.