Art Gariepy and his son made banjos out of Long Beach California from the mid 1960s to about 1970 and they were sought after because they were known for good tone at an affordable price. His aluminum pots were used for his long neck instruments competing with Ode etc. The aluminum cast construction of the pot and tailpiece identify this as a Gariepy pot, but we believe it started its life with a different neck, perhaps a tenor neck, and then had the current 5-string neck added later. The Gariepy name was likely on the original headstock and then someone hand etched the name into the aluminum pot when the neck was changed to keep an identifier on the instrument. It is in good playing condition with appropriate action and a magnificent clear tone. Other features include comfortable wooden armrest and vintage style offset planetary tuners. This banjo has great clarity and volume and would be good for a folk player or a bluegrass player who wishes to stand out without bearing the weight of a traditional metal flange and resonator. Comes with a modern Boulder gig bag.